Artistic concept / Art statement

Art for me is emotion, sincerity and a constantly changing process. It's like a way to understand your surroundings. In which there is a whole series of stimuli. These stimuli usually come from the emotions that awaken in me the beauty and pain of fullness and emptiness. In this way the iconography emerges from the eyes wherever beauty, love, love enter us; the heart, where everything beats with emotion; the brain, a battle of rationalization; and the lungs, where every event is lived with the breath.
From this search for a visual poetics, everything from the inner nature of the human being, and from the outer nature of the inert and living nature, is cohesive in my personal artistic production and research. I find it very gratifying that viewers can observe my work, and in addition to my conceptualization, can provide a speech in parallel and lead them to reflect every corner of my papers, canvases, every figure, every mark in the process, every brushstroke. As simple spaces to stop for a while, and let yourself go between the shapes.