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What have I been doing?
Whats going on now with my artwork?


El meu rol com a investigadora
en Art i Educació

Em situo com a artographier (un manera d'investigar que em situa des dels meus diferents rols) com a artista, docent i investigadora.

Actualment estic en el programa d'Art i Educació a la Universitat de Barcelona, i el tutor de la meca investigació és el Dr Fernando Hernández Hernández, a la Facultat de Belles Arts.

Arrel de l'estada aquest estiu 2022 a la Universidad de la República del Uruguay a la facultad de Artes, el decà Fernando Miranda, és el co-tutor.

De moment en el procés d'investigar estic treballant els processos de divagació de la realització d'artefactes del meu alumnat, en la producció dels discursos visuals i narratius en perspectiva de gènere.

Difusió web_exposició.jpg

​ Friday, April 1 at 7 pm at the opening with a glass of cava.
This project is the third solo exhibition with the entire Micro-macro cosmos project and a "premiere" of what is the current project Invisible Scars.
​ On? Hotel Occidental Atenea, you have the address on the poster, as well as the Instagram, Facebook or web networks, to stay up to date.


Workshops and guided tours​
Get ready for the upcoming activities around #invisiblemicromacrocosmoscicatricusexposure

💜 There will be tours with myself at the exhibition , so stay tuned for the dates!
🗓On Fridays 8, 22 and 29 April at 7.30 pm at the hotel entrance. Prior registration via email and web.

🎨 Golden bread and watercolor workshops focused on extracting themes related to the theme of the exhibition of being a woman.
* With prior registration via email (you have it in the profile) subject with the name of the workshop and the day.
🗓They will be on Saturday 9th, 23rd and 30th of April in the morning from 10am to 1pm .
For more information write in the mail and / or web.

IB3 radio interview on the morning program La Gran Vida on August 27 at 12.15 pm by journalist Mònica (@monicadelaradio) with the artist Maria Antònia M. Salvà (@mariantoniamsalvart) on the occasion of the exhibition col · in the room of Sa Protectora in Felanitx, inaugurated on the occasion of the night of art this August 2021.

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